If you’re pregnant and have an STD, you can pass the STD to your child.
Some STDs are passed through the placenta during pregnancy, while others are not passed until delivery.
- Syphilis can pass to the child through the placenta during pregnancy
- Gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, and hepatitis B can pass to the child in the birth canal
- HIV can pass to the child through the placenta or the birth canal
Seeking STD treatment as soon as possible is critical to help prevent complications in pregnancy and serious health effects for your child.
What is An STD?
STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) are generally spread by sexual contact and can be transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal fluid, urine, or saliva.
It is possible to have an STD and have no sign of symptoms, so it is critical to be tested often to prevent the spread if you’re sexually active.
Symptoms of STDs include:
- Bumps or sores on your vagina, anus, or mouth
- Swelling or itching around your vagina or mouth
- Vaginal discharge that has a foul odor or different color than usual
- Vaginal bleeding that is not your period
- Pain with sex
- Pain with urination
The Effects of STDs
STDs can impact the health of your pregnancy and your child. They may lead to premature delivery or an infection in the uterus after birth.
The following health complications may arise when an STD is passed to a child during pregnancy or delivery:
- Low birth weight
- Blindness
- Deafness
- Liver disease
- Eye infection
- Pneumonia
- Blood infection
- Brain damage
- Acute hepatitis
- Meningitis
- Stillbirth
What Can I Do Now?
While the thought of an STD impacting your pregnancy or your child can feel overwhelming, quick action may prevent these negative health effects.
As soon as you find out you’re pregnant, it is vital to be tested. The sooner you learn of an STD, the sooner you can get help.
If you test positive, seek treatment as quickly as possible. Bacterial STDs like gonorrhea and chlamydia can be cured with antibiotics. While there is no cure for viral STDs, they can be treated with antiviral medication to help decrease the risk of passing the STD to your baby.
Get Help Today
If you’re pregnant or think you could be pregnant, New Life Clinic is here to help by providing you with free pregnancy services and STD testing.
We offer lab-quality pregnancy tests and ultrasounds and can provide STD treatment if necessary.
You don’t have to walk this journey alone.
Contact us today for your confidential appointment.