Adoption was never part of my plan.
I had always heard of people adopting and thought that is was wonderful, but it was not in MY plans.
I supported my friends adoption fundraisers and tried to help them when I could, but thought the cost was crazy and always wondered how they could afford to adopt.
My plan was to get married, have children and then grandchildren etc, and if I couldn’t conceive then maybe think about adoption, maybe, it was a great thing to do, but wasn’t really what I wanted to do.
So I did just that, got married, had two children, just like I had planned. Divorce was not part of my plan, but it happened. Adoption was the furthest thing from my mind.
Many years later when I remarried at the age of 39, my husband and I discussed having more children and that is when God planted the seed of adoption in our hearts that would change us forever.
Blending a family is TOUGH and we were working though all of those logistics when we heard of a need. A friend of mine, who ran a pregnancy center in Maryland, was looking for families that were home study ready, willing to adopt. We talked and talked and prayed and prayed some more and felt God leading us to have a home study done and have Him direct us from their.
Over the course of several years, we have pursued 4 adoptions, 2 that ended in failed adoptions and 2 that have ended with adding children to our family. This journey has not been easy. There has been tears, frustrations, thousands of dollars spent and many sleepless nights, and with every one of those tears, frustrations, dollars spent and sleepless nights endured they’re has been praise. Praise be to God for HIS plan because it was so much greater than MY plan.
I’ve told many people that when God asked you to do something, do it! Even if it seems crazy, and adopting at 42 and then again at 46 was CRAZY!
God knows just what we need at just the right time, and wants us to trust Him, hear His voice and obey.
Adoption may seen scary or unattainable and you may have questions.
Maybe adoption is not part of your plan .
God has planted a love for adoption deep within me and I always love to share what He has done and help others on their adoption journey.
Written by: Cheryl Brackemyre