Mike and I, along with our three very tender daughters, adopted a two-year old Beagle several
years ago. The plan was to visit the shelter, gather information, and make a sensible decision to
wait for the best timing on adopting any dog. Of course, all pretenses were out the window when
Bindi ran into the room, tail wagging and tongue ready to lick anything in its path. If you ask
me, that’s really an unfair advantage with three little girls waiting anxiously behind the door.
Fast forward a few years and we decided to try this adoption thing again. This time, the girls
were older and wiser and would not be swayed by a licky pup. The plan, again, was to visit the
shelter, ask all the pertinent questions, and decide later if a second dog was in our family’s best
interest. Needless to say, we caved and came home that day with Bailey, our beautiful yellow-
lab mix. Isn’t it funny how quickly a pet can capture your heart?
Bindi ran into the room, tail wagging and tongue ready to lick anything in its path. If you ask
me, that’s really an unfair advantage with three little girls waiting anxiously behind the door.
Fast forward a few years and we decided to try this adoption thing again. This time, the girls
were older and wiser and would not be swayed by a licky pup. The plan, again, was to visit the
shelter, ask all the pertinent questions, and decide later if a second dog was in our family’s best
interest. Needless to say, we caved and came home that day with Bailey, our beautiful yellow-
lab mix. Isn’t it funny how quickly a pet can capture your heart?
I have two sisters who have adopted children – one with 2 Ethiopian adoptees, and the other with
six adopted children from the Ukraine and Ethiopia. Of course, my adoptions of Bindi and Bailey
pale in comparison, but I can attest to the joy I’ve experienced and seen in each adoption. How
every new addition to the family captures the heart and brings such joy and love.
six adopted children from the Ukraine and Ethiopia. Of course, my adoptions of Bindi and Bailey
pale in comparison, but I can attest to the joy I’ve experienced and seen in each adoption. How
every new addition to the family captures the heart and brings such joy and love.
Have you ever considered how you captured the Father’s heart when He adopted you? Or better
yet, how joyous it was to go from a “spirit of slavery” to a “spirit of adoption as sons by which
we cry out, “Abba Father!” (Romans 8:15). For those who have experienced it, and I know
because I have, there is no greater joy.
yet, how joyous it was to go from a “spirit of slavery” to a “spirit of adoption as sons by which
we cry out, “Abba Father!” (Romans 8:15). For those who have experienced it, and I know
because I have, there is no greater joy.
At New Life, clients in crisis pregnancies are informed about all of their options; particularly
how brave moms are choosing to love their children through the option of adoption. They are
made aware of the available resources and networks in this area that can make such a transition
for them do-able and even joyous. But even better than that, clients are informed of a God who
loves them and longs to adopt them into His family. For those who have experienced that
adoption by our heavenly Father, I urge you to pray for those clients who haven’t.
how brave moms are choosing to love their children through the option of adoption. They are
made aware of the available resources and networks in this area that can make such a transition
for them do-able and even joyous. But even better than that, clients are informed of a God who
loves them and longs to adopt them into His family. For those who have experienced that
adoption by our heavenly Father, I urge you to pray for those clients who haven’t.
If you are pregnant and not sure what to do, know that we are here at NLC to listen and to love
without judgement. You do not have to go this alone. I promise we will provide all the help that
we can and we will walk with you through this. Give us a call or stop by any weekday. You can
even text if you’re nervous (419) 751-4356. Whatever you’re going through, trust us to handle it
with care and compassion. You are loved.
we can and we will walk with you through this. Give us a call or stop by any weekday. You can
even text if you’re nervous (419) 751-4356. Whatever you’re going through, trust us to handle it
with care and compassion. You are loved.