What Should I Know About Abortion Costs?

Did you know that the average American spends $6,080 per month on living costs? Life is expensive, especially with rising gas prices and the increasing costs of rent.  If you are pregnant, you may be worried about the financial burden...Continued

If You’re Considering an Abortion in Clinton County

If you think you are pregnant or have taken an at-home pregnancy test with a positive result, you may be considering your options–including abortion. But the most important thing to remember is your health and future. Any medical procedure, including...Continued

Is The Abortion Pill A Quick Fix?

The abortion pill is often made out to be a “quick fix” to an unplanned pregnancy. If you don’t know much about it, it seems like it would be a fast, safe, and effective option to end your pregnancy and...Continued

Post-Roe Info

  Since Friday, I have seen a lot of information shared on different forms of media.  Some of that information is not true and is causing panic in some women.  I want to take the time to set the record...Continued

I Love You Day

Valentines Day seems to be a huge "pressure" holiday, and lets face it no one wants to be single on Valentines Day. I remember being a teenager and young adult, always wanting this perfect fairy tale Valentines Day date, which realistically never happened. We put so...Continued

The Second Baby Boom

Yes that is correct the SECOND  baby boom! We all know from reading in our history books that the first baby boom came right after World War II. At the end of the war all the soldiers came home and so...Continued

An Adoption Story

I was 17 years old when I realized I was probably pregnant. I instantly went and told my aunt because I knew I could rely on her more than anyone else. She's someone I know I can trust and she's my...Continued