My Unexpected Pregnancy Saved My Life

As I sit here thinking about my life and the way it has gone, I'm grateful for the Lord and his mercy. My life could have turned out so much differently. I was a 16 year old girl heading in...Continued

Today Was Not My Day

Today was the Mondayest Thursday ever. It started when my kids protested the breakfast I made. Mind you – they requested the breakfast. Their father gave them a good lecture and then he headed off to work, and the normal...Continued

Every Life Matters

Every life matters. This is our 2020 theme for the New Life Clinic. Three simple words with enormous meaning. I'd like to say that people in general believe and practice this notion, but my faith in humanity sometimes wanes. Watching...Continued

I Didn’t Know What A Red Flag Was

To say I was awkward growing up, that would be a true statement. In junior high I was the good girl who obeyed her parents and never did anything wrong. I was the definition of a "nerd" who had the...Continued

Oh, The Places You’ll Go

Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to Great Places! You're off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you...Continued

It Starts With You

I have been wondering about writing this blog, then I saw a post on our New Life Clinic volunteer page today and thought, "yes there it is okay Lord!" The scripture was from 1 Thessalonians 5:11 "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just...Continued

Adoption Was Not My Plan

Adoption was never part of my plan. I had always heard of people adopting and thought that is was wonderful, but it was not in MY plans. I supported my friends adoption fundraisers and tried to help them when I...Continued

How Social Media Can Ruin Marriages

Our culture today is so connected but disconnected at the same time. We are connected by the internet and social media but often neglect our own family life. Don't get me wrong the internet and social media are powerful tools that...Continued

Sensory Bottles: DIY and Why They Are Like Magic

Sensory bottles are also known as calm down bottles! When a sensory bottle has items such as glitter, legos, or beads in it that move slowly, children are often mesmerized by watching them. They are an effective and easy way to help...Continued