I was also 16 when I found myself in the same situation as Dee (If you do not know Dee, please see previous blog). But my story differs from hers in the fact that I did not seek the resources...Continued
At sixteen I found myself in a situation I never imagined I would be in, I was pregnant. Where do I go from here? What do I do? How do I tell my parents? And to make things even harder...Continued
Motherhood as I knew it, is so far away from where I am now, that I likely wouldn't recognize it! I know it is definitely God's spirit and His love within that allows me to throw self-preservation and a longing...Continued
As August arrives, so do thoughts of back to school, mounds of papers, and daily routines. Although Ken and I now are technically considered empty-nesters, we do have a daughter that teaches elementary school, so we are still well aware...Continued
Jewel was just 16 years old when I met her. I was a school guidance counselor looking to change the world in my little neck of the woods. She was a high school sophomore, taking honors classes, tutoring others who...Continued
Recently while driving down the road I asked God why, why does my son have so many challenges to overcome? Why can't he just be "normal?" I've seen drug addicts have perfectly normal kids, that they have completely taken for...Continued
As moms we all have those days! You know what I'm talking about, when everything you had planned went down the drain and you need a break or a quick solution for dinner! And of course everyone loves great deals...Continued
I've noticed that sometimes I treat my family and friends (those closest to me) with far less respect then I do others. When I go into a store to purchase something or into a restaurant to be served, I'm usually...Continued
Just recently I learned that someone I love dearly had an abortion many years ago.She told me that it was a decision she had to make at the time because she was a good Christian girl and good Christian girls...Continued